Perseid Meteors 1-4 were created for Paper Work, a first-time curatorial effort between Snyderman-Works Galleries and local artist and collector Alex Conner. They are new experiments using a Xerox lithographic technique on hand-made porcelain paper. Some images of the process can be found here:
The exhibition also includes two multi-layered drawings on Denril.
On view from February 3, 2017 to March 18, 2017.
Working with Rick & Ruth Snyderman, Gallery Curator Dennis Ambrogi, and Assistant Director Leigh Werrell, Conner selected works on paper from the gallery’s collection that he felt reflected themes similar to those being tackled by contemporary Philadelphia artists.
Werrell and Conner performed a series of studio visits and eventually selected eleven Philadelphia-based artists whose work is not only insightful and well-crafted, but also speaks to critical social and cultural topics. His objective was to bridge two 'Art Worlds' that have, in recent decades, coexisted adjacent to one another in Philadelphia - that of the commercial galleries and emerging local Artists.
While the themes of the work in this exhibition vary, paper retains primacy as the structural support or medium of expression. Absurdity and hyperbole, a highly graphic use of line, shape and color, as well as a focus on figuration (even in abstraction) are just some of the more prominent affinities among the Art included in this exhibition.
Opening Reception: February 3, 2017, 5:30-8:30 PM
February 25th- Performance by Jim Grilli
March 9th - Panel Discussion. Panelists TBA.
Snyderman-Works Galleries
303 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 10am to 6pm.
Phone: (215) 238-9576
My process begins with cartography. I photograph the landscape of my urban garden from many different angles each season, documenting the moving mounds, and evolving terrain. The maps I make generate a new topography each season. They document where mantis eggs were found caterpillars ate, dragonflies landed, and they mapped the cold feeling in between the discs in my spine as I laid on my back on a freezing night watching a Perseid Meteor shower.
The roots of this project and many others have been developed over the course of the last ten years. The first seed was planted in a previous project called "Dear Glenn Gould." During this time, I obsessively listened to Gould's "Goldberg Variations: The Well Tempered Clavier." The drawings and sculptures created are a visual "counterpoint" They are layered visual information, producing an imagined, time-lapse view of a world.
"It is hard to write a beautiful song. It is harder to write several individually beautiful songs that, when sung simultaneously, sound as a more beautiful polyphonic whole. The internal structures that create each of the voices separately must contribute to the emergent structure of the polyphony, which in turn must reinforce and comment on the structures of the individual voices. The way that is accomplished in detail is...counterpoint”
- John Rahn (BA, Diploma, MFA, Ph.D) is Professor of Music Composition and Music Theory, and Professor of Critical Theory at the University of Washington